The Pujada Nickel Project: History and Milestones


The Phil. Bureau of Mines (now the DENR Mines and Geosciences Bureau) undertakes exploration activities in the Pujada area.

1960 to 1961

Apo Base Metals takes over the exploration of the area.

1968 to 1972

A reconnaissance geologic study is conducted by a Joint venture of Philippines Ventures, Inc., Apo Base Metals, Southeast Mineral Development, Inc., and Strategic Minerals, Inc.


Blue Ridge Minerals Corporation conducts explorations in the Pujada area.


Australian company BHP Billiton expresses interest in the mineral property.


Asiaticus Management Corporation express interest as steward to the 7 mpsa held by 7 nickle mines in davao

2008 to 2010

AMCOR proceeds with in-fill drillings to assess the mineral resource of the area.

2010 to 2012

AMCOR continues in-fill drilling to upgrade the inferred resource to measured resource.

2012 to 2014

AMCOR continues exploration work in Alog to block additional mineable reserves. An Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) is issued to Austral-Asia Link Mining Corporation.


AMCOR facilitates permits and documents for the Mine Development Stage; bidding for mining services and the construction of causeways, mining areas, environmental structures, and campsite buildings begins. Hallmark Mining Corporation is issued an ECC.

Oct 2015 to Mar 2016

The original 7 MPSAs are consolidated into two: Austral-Asia Link Mining Corp and Hallmark Mining Corp. Mil-Oro Mining Corporation is incorporated and recognized as our mining operator. The DENR issues a Special Tree Cutting in February of 2016.

March 2016

Minepit development and production begins

July 9-25, 2016

The first ore shipment is made with a cargo of 54,747 WMT

Dec 6, 2016

DENR Sec. Gina Lopez issues an ECC suspension due to alleged ECC violations, we immediately instituted corrections and submitted a written explanation.

Oct 10, 2019

The ECC Suspension is lifted by DENR Sec. Roy A. Cimatu after all issues are were addressed, clarified and validated.

Nov 27, 2019

The respective Operation Agreements between Austral-Asia Link Mining Corporation, Hallmark Mining Corporation, and Mil-Oro Mining are cancelled

Jan 08, 2020

Hallmark Mining Corporation enters into an Operating Agreement with Austral – Asia Mining Corporation to conduct mining activities in the AAMC's MPSA area.


We are preparing for the resumption of the new normal mining operations.